Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Colonial Flag

The world's on fire
We have children for hire

Catastrophe, our middle name
Chaotic in our moment of fame

Dignified death claims our glory
My Palestinian heart's story

I can find room for its self-pity
Its throne above Jerusalem city

Revenge is not my fight
The camera has confused my plight

Your magic box is all you see
And all I can see is me

Here I find my morbid camps
My home's ruins lit by lamps

Fight! Fight! Fight! Hear me chant
Your freedom, the victim of my rant

I do not want your charity
That is not the object of my victory

This false freedom draws my scorn
My colonialized cloak grows thin and worn

For I must beg of you to understand
It is not my wealth nor my land

My humanity is my desire
In this world on fire

1 comment:

Reham said...

Get a brain transplant in Less Than 50 Seconds!

Act Now or pass up the chance to have a chicken's brain!


(Batteries Not Included)